About our daycare

“Although nothing truly compares to home, we make sure our day-care is almost just as fun as home!”

Experience together, learn from each other

For growth and lots of fun!

stichting kinderopvang kralingen

We find it most important that children enjoy coming to our day care. Experiencing together with friends, playing outside a lot and developing themselves in small groups being surrounded by kind and certified pedagogical staff. At our day care facilities, children are divided by age.

Our activities supervisor organises pre-school activities with children aged 3+. At our Montessori daycare they ‘learn to do it themselves’ and at our after school care the children get to choose in which after school activity they would like to participate.

What we value

stichting kinderopvang kralingen
Pedagogical policy

Our employees get to know the children by watching and listening to them carefully. By nature, every child is curious and eager to learn. We make sure that children feel safe and secure and we give them the space to explore the world, try things out and gain new experiences. By being together in groups, the children learn from each other, they learn to make friends, to become resilient and go on adventure together in fantasy play indoors and especially outdoors.

Playing outside

Our locations are green oasis in our big city of Rotterdam, allowing children to play outside a great deal. Our adventurous gardens are at least three times the size of the industry standard. Research shows that children spend much less time outdoors than 30 years ago, while playing outside is incredibly important to one’s development.

Playing outside, children seek adventure, get in touch with nature, assess risks and exercise, which is beneficial for the development of their motor skills. Especially for young children it is proven that playing outside has a huge benefit to the development of the brain. And besides, fresh air is healthy! How wonderful it is to see the children having a great time with a fresh blush on their cheeks!

And there is no bad weather, only bad clothing! 


There is a wide variety of activities at our locations. Based on themes, our staff offer numerous activities in which different skills are stimulated. At the day-care centers we work with an activity counsellor for the three year olds, which ensures they are well-prepared for elementary school. Our sports teacher provides in the presence of pedagogical staff various sports classes. We find it important that children play outside on a daily basis. This stimulates their fantasy and motor skills and is above all healthy!

At our after-school care, the children can choose from creative, musical and sports activities. Playing outside and getting exercises are highly valued here too. Our locations are great in this respect with their unique outdoor spaces. Sports training is provided daily.

Communication with parents

*Parent portal

We raise children together, which is why we find good and open contact with parents essential. There is daily contact between parents and staff about how the day (or night at home) went. During the day you stay informed via the parent portal in which the staff shares everything that concerns your child. We regularly post photos here too. You will also find all documents relating to our childcare in the parent portal.

*Parent Committee

Each location has a parents’ committee that acts as a consultation body for the parents. For more information about the parents’ committee, ask one of our staff at your child’s location.


We have an internal and external complaints regulation. If you have a complaint, please first discuss it with the staff that is on the group. Having done so, you can of course contact the location manager.

Parents can also choose to use the external complaints procedure directly. We are affiliated with the Disputes Committee for Childcare:  degeschillencommissie.nl.

*Parent Satisfaction

How do parents rate our day care centre?

We would like to hear what parents think of our services. That is why after the first few months we conduct customer satisfaction surveys over the phone. When a child transfers to another group, we are also keen to hear how our services are being experienced.

Getting to know Stichting Kinderopvang Kralingen

We believe it is important that children are offered the time and care to gradually get used to our childcare. A new environment and most importantly getting to know each other deserve some exta attention. This is why children in our day-care centers do not immediately start with full days (keep this in mind when you intend to go back to work). In consultation with you, we will plan habituation days. 


*Quality system HKZ and digital working environment

We work according to HKZ standards (harmonization quality assessment in the healthcare sector), which means that we are well-organised internally. Our working method and agreements are outlined in our digital quality manual.

Employees can easily retrieve all this information, work instructions and protocols in the digital work environment. Via the iPads, with which each group works, the child registration as well as the parent portal are kept up to date.


*Expertise of our staff

At SKK, all employees follow annual training courses in the context of permanent education. In addition to the regular first aid training, each employee works on their own learning goals through the SKK Academy. By means of assignments and, among other things, guidance through video interaction, employees are further trained in their pedagogical actions. For this, SKK uses, among other things, the NCKO monitor. Our pedagogical coaches advise and support the employees in their actions.

We truly care for your child

If we are concerned for a child, we will discuss this with the parents. In consultation we determine whether a child needs extra guidance.

In case of suspicion of child abuse, our attention officer is called in who, if necessary, follows the step-by-step plan of the Quality Mark Reporting Code for Child Abuse and/or issues a signal in the Rotterdam Child Abuse Signaling System (SISA).

Health and safety policy

We believe it is important that children discover and experience. We give them the space to develop, move and grow their talents. Growing involves trial and error. We constantly assess the risks to prevent situations that are too dangerous.

However, we do not want and cannot protect children against everything. Small accidents leading to scratches or bumps are inherent to this. We teach children step by step how to deal with situations that are out of their comfort zone or that involve risks. In this way they get to know and push their own limits

Naturally, our locations meet the legal requirements for (fire) safety. In addition, our employees have a first aid diploma.

At the day-care centers we work with an access code.

We also comply with the four-eyes principle, whereby it should always be possible for an adult to watch and listen along.

We have strict hygiene rules which are tested annually. Moreover, we do the following:

* We ventilate continuously
* CO2 meters monitor air quality
* Permanent group assistants change the beds and clean the toys every week
* We wash hands: before and after dinner and after having played outside
* Daily cleaning of all locations by a specialised cleaning company
* Air conditioning ensures that rooms remain cool and fresh during the summer


Our children receive a varied offer of healthy food. We assume that children have had breakfast at home before they start the day with us. At our day care centers, children from 1 year old can choose between a sandwich or hot meal for lunch. Our employees eat together with the children and encourage them to eat by themselves. 

GGD (municipal health service)

GGD inspection reports

The GGD monitors the quality of childcare organisations.

You can have a look at our rapports on the following website:  www.ggdrotterdamrijnmond.nl

LRK nummers (needed for Kinderopvangtoeslag)
Day-care center Marijke: 770078722
Day-care center Skippy: 961976287
Montessori Toddler Group Kralingen: 228890809
After-school care De Speeltuin: 221585163
After-school care De Speeltuin Assendelftstraat: 212463056

Meet our friendly staff

Get to know our employees!

stichting kinderopvang kralingen

Stichting Kinderopvang Kralingen only works with certified staff. We strive for a mix of intermediate and higher vocational training as educational background. Our employees are offered pedagogical support through permanent education via the SKK Academy, an online learning environment in which they are offered professional advice on how to deal with pedagogical questions.

Each location has a location manager and each location is supported by a group assistant, a domestic help and various volunteers.



Location manager – Day-care center Marijke



Pedagogical employee – babies



Pedagogical employee – babies

Ida 15-2-24


Pedagogical coach

diaz de boer


Pedagogical employee afterschool and daycare



Group assistant –
Day-care center Skippy



Pedagogical employee babies

foto Laura V



foto Nancy


Responsible planning and placement



Pedagogical employee toddlers

Collaboration between Stichting Kinderopvang Kralingen and the Ronald McDonald House

We are proud to have been asked to partner up with Ronald McDonald House Sophia Rotterdam. The Ronald McDonald house is located next to the Erasmus Medical Centre – Sophia Children’s Hospital in Rotterdam. In this collaboration we offer our expertise in the field of childcare with regard to the so-called Play Deck.

The Ronald McDonald House offers brothers and sisters of sick children aged 0-10 year of age the opportunity to spend the day or part of the day at the Play Deck so that that parents can give their sick children their undevoted attention. We have an advisory and coaching role with regard to (policy of) the Play Deck.