
The latest news

stichting kinderopvang kralingen

Here we will provide you with information regarding SKK and the coronavirus.

All SKK locations are open. Children without symptoms are very welcome!

My child has symptoms, can he/she come to the day care?

For children with symptoms, please use this decision tree to assess whether your child can come to daycare.

Compensation for childcare costs in the second lockdown period

The central government has announced a scheme to ensure compensation for parents who have continued to pay their childcare invoices during the corona closure. A distinction has been made between parents who receive childcare allowance and parents who do not receive childcare allowance. Parents who receive childcare allowance will receive a letter from the SVB around May 21, 2021, and will receive the compensation around May 28, 2021. The amount of compensation is calculated based on the childcare data available, as is known by the tax authorities, on the so-called reference date (dated 21 February, 2021). This data may not always accurately reflect the actual situation. If this is the case, an objection can be made. This compensation scheme is officially called the ’tijdelijke tegemoetkomingsregeling kinderopvang zonder overheidsvergoeding’ (TTKO) or Temporary Childcare Compensation Scheme.

For parents who did not make use of emergency care during the closure, SKK has compensated the costs made above the maximum hourly rate. The last tranche of covid compensation for our after-school care in the first two weeks of April will be settled with the invoices for the month of June.

Parents who do not receive a childcare allowance for the costs of childcare can make use of the so-called ’tijdelijke tegemoetkomingsregeling kinderopvang zonder overheidsvergoeding (TTKZO)’ or in English, ’temporary allowance scheme for childcare without government reimbursement’. This scheme also applies to parents who do not receive a childcare allowance or compensation from the government for part of the costs. Because the childcare details of these parents are not known to the government, these parents must apply for the compensation themselves. This is expected to be possible from 15 May, 2021, via the SVB website, for both the first and second closure of childcare.


First closure: from March 16, 2020 to May 10, 2020 (day care) and the period from March 16, 2020 to June 7, 2020 (out-of-school care)


Second closure: from December 16, 2020 to February 7, 2021 (day care) and the period from December 16, 2020 to April 18, 2021 (out-of-school care).


Parents will receive a decision within 8 weeks of application (in the form of a letter stating whether and how much compensation parents will receive).


Parents who do not receive a childcare allowance for the costs of childcare must request a “Childcare Statement” (Verklaring Kinderopvang) from their childcare organization. You can send us an email to to request this. We will complete, print and sign the statement. We will return the signed Childcare Statement to you as a digital scan.


For a detailed explanation, see the websites of:


The National Government (De Rijksoverheid)


The Verklaring Kinderopvang

New parents and tours

Even in this unique time period, it is possible to get acquainted with our organization. We can give you additional information by telephone and send you a video of a tour of our locations (these can also be viewed via our website – click on the location of your choice and scroll down). If you prefer to visit us in person, we will schedule an appointment for a tour. Due to the corona measures, a maximum of one parent is welcome. We ask that you wear a face mask. We are happy to show you our locations at times when the children are in groups or play outdoors. We ensure that the corona measures are met. Due to the transparency of our buildings, you can still view the groups and children at a safe distance

Access to our locations

Meetings with parents and visitors take place outside as much as possible. To ensure that there are not too many people in the building at one time, and to guarantee the 1,5 meter distance between visitors, parents can hand over their child to our pedagogical employees at the doors of the groups. We also ensure that contact between with suppliers and other visitors happen outside as much as possible.

Hygiene and ventilation

During this time, we pay extra attention to additional hygiene and ventilation measures. SKK follows the advice of the OMT and the RIVM for childcare to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as much as possible.