Book your guided tour at one of our locations
We are thrilled you are interested in (one of) our childcare locations!
How do I start?
Step 1:
- We ask you to register your child prior to the guided tour, via this registration link . There is a high demand for our services, and the registration date determines the order on the waiting list.
- Please note that registration does not oblige you to anything and there are no costs involved with registration.
- The registration button will lead to an external website. The language of this site is Dutch. If you need any assistance, please contact us!
- If you have any questions about the registration, please contact us: +31 (0)10-2400092 or mail us at
Step 2:
After registration, you can book a personal guided tour at your chosen location. Find the locations here. You can contact the location directly:
Daycare Marijke: 010 – 433 1163
Daycare Skippy: 010 – 452 6276
Montessori Toddler Group: 010 – 240 0092
After school care: 010 – 213 1297
We can’t wait to show you around!
Frequently asked questions for registering with our childcare
No. Registering your child(ren) is free of charge. Payments start once your child physically attends one of our childcare locations.
However, after signing the placement agreement, we do hold you to a one-month notice period, even if childcare has not yet started.
We will send a written confirmation within a week that we have received the registration and that your child will be placed on the waiting list.
If the desired start date falls within four months of the registration date, we will immediately look at the possibilities and inform you as soon as possible. If the start date is more than four months after the registration date, your child will be placed on the waiting list.
We aim to inform you about the possibilities no later than four months before the desired start date. The waiting list is organised chronologically by registration date. We do, however, work with a priority waiting list for siblings and requests for extra days of children already placed at our locations. In addition to the priority waiting list, there is a waiting list for children who have not yet been placed at Stichting Kinderopvang Kralingen.
When the groups are at their maximum capacity, we rely on cancellations and/or changes in the planning for potential placement options. Changes can occur daily, so there are certainly possibilities, but this makes it difficult to estimate how long it will take before there are placement options.
That depends on several factors such as how many days it concerns, which days, the age of your child and how flexible you are. The likelihood that a spot is available quickly is greater for a child that requires two days than for a child that requires four or five days of childcare.
If we do not immediately have a spot available for your child on your desired days, it may sometimes be beneficial and worth considering to first temporarily take on other days until your desired days become available. You will then be put on the internal waiting list for your desired days and we will inform you immediately as soon as there is availability.
At our full-day care locations, you can register for a childcare package of a minimum of 10 hours per day. Most organisations only offer packages of more than 10 hours per day, despite parents not needing the extra hours.
We offer parents the choice of taking a minimum of 10 hours per day, but a more extensive package is also available. Furthermore, in our full-day care locations you have the option to choose a package with a warm meal for children 1 year and older. This allows you to only pay for what you need. You can review our rates and packages for daycare here. You can easily calculate the net costs for childcare using our free calculation tool. This gives you a good indication of the monthly net costs that you (will) spend on childcare.
Working parents are entitled to childcare allowance. You can apply for childcare allowance with the tax authorities (Belastingdienst). Your (joint) income determines the amount of childcare allowance you will receive. The government annually determines the maximum hourly rate for which parents receive childcare allowance. All costs above this maximum hourly rate are for the parent(s) own costs. In 2024, the maximum hourly rate set by the government for which childcare allowance is granted is set at €10,25 for daycare and €9,12 for after-school care.
The number of pedagogical employees in a group depends on the number of children and the ages of the children in the group. The Municipal Health Service (GGD) sets legal guidelines to calculate this staff-child ratio (beroepskracht-kind ratio [BKR]). The guidelines for this staff-child ratio can be found on the website of the Dutch government (de Rijksoverheid).
At our full-day care locations, we consciously choose to only offer placements for two or more days. Experience proves that children adjust quicker to an unfamiliar environment when they attend the daycare at least two days a week. This allows children to become acquainted and familiar with the permanent staff, the other children and the daily routine in the group. We also believe that it is important for the other children in the group that there is a sense of stability in the group in which there aren’t too many different children/faces present per day.
At our after-school care (NSO), you can enrol your child for any number of days. At the Montessori Peutergroep Kralingen (MPK) which is our Montessori toddler playgroup, we work with fixed (half) day combinations on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings. This means that the same children and pedagogical staff are always present. This makes it easier for all to continue working on a theme or developmental area the following day with the entire group; similar to a school class.
- Kinderdagverblijf Marijke (daycare) is open from 7:00 until 18:30.
- Kinderdagverblijf Skippy (daycare) is open from 7:30 until 18:30
You can choose from different packages, so you only pay for the hours you need. You are contractually required to take minimum of 10 hours per day and can choose up to a maximum of 11.5 hours of daycare.
- Our after-school care, NSO de Speeltuin, is open during holidays and study days from 8:15 to 18:30 and during school weeks from the end of school until 18:30. Here too, you can choose between various packages.
The daycare locations and after-school care (NSO) locations of Stichting Kinderopvang Kralingen are open all year round, including during the Christmas holidays.
At Stichting Kinderopvang Kralingen you can swap days within a period of four weeks, provided that the child’s occupancy allows this.
If you would like to purchase an extra day occasionally, you can request this through the staff of the group, they will check whether the group size allows it. You can request an extra day up to four weeks in advance (but not during the summer holiday).
At Stichting Kinderopvang Kralingen you can swap days within a period of four weeks, provided that the child’s occupancy allows this.
If you would like to purchase an extra day occasionally, you can request this through the staff of the group, they will check whether the group size allows it. You can request an extra day up to four weeks in advance (but not during the summer holiday).
Our after-school care, NSO de Speeltuin, is open during holidays and study days from 8:15 to 18:30 and during school weeks from the end of school until 18:30. Here too, you can choose from various packages.
The daycare locations and after-school care (NSO) locations of Stichting Kinderopvang Kralingen are open all year round, including during the Christmas holidays.
The Netherlands does not have a legal vaccination requirement for childcare organisations. This means that you as a parent have the right to decide whether or not you would like your child to be vaccinated whilst attending our childcare locations. The Health and Youth Care Inspector (Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd [IGJ]) states that childcare organisations are not legally permitted to refuse unvaccinated children. We therefore do not refuse children who are not vaccinated. However, politicians are currently discussing to change the law. As soon as the government allows childcare organisations to refuse children without vaccinations, we will follow suit.
For (future) parents who have received an offer or would like more information, it is possible to make a personal appointment for a tour of our location(s). You can contact the desired location yourself. We will then inform you about our working methods and will provide you with a tour of the desired location. The tour and will last approximately one hour and you will have the opportunity to ask questions.
We ask you that you register your child in advance, via this link. There is a lot of demand for our services and the registration date determines the order on our waiting list.
Registering does not commit you to anything.
We think it’s great that you are interested in childcare at Stichting Kinderopvang Kralingen! Almost as much fun as at home…