After-School Care De Speeltuin

After-school care Rotterdam

Comforting and professional child care

stichting kinderopvang kralingen

“De Speeltuin” actually means: The Playground! And that is exactly what we offer. A wonderful, happy place for afterschool care in Rotterdam. We offer after-school care during school weeks until 18:15 (extendable to 18:30). During holidays and study days we offer full day care from 8:15 to 18:15 (extendable to 18:30). It is also possible to purchase only holiday care and/or incidental care during study days (studiedagen). Additional vacation days can also be purchased in consultation with the pedagogical employees of your child’s group.

NSO De Speeltuin has two locations: location Honingerdijk and location Assendelftstraat.

NSO de Speeltuin is split up into seven groups according to age. There are three intake groups (approximately 4 to 7 years), three intermediate groups (approximately 7 to 9 years) and an 8+ years group. NSO De Speeltuin has a team of 16 pedagogical employees, a location manager and a household support.

stichting kinderopvang kralingen


NSO de Speeltuin picks up children on foot at the following schools:

Kralingsche School (KS)

Montessori School Kralingen (MSK)

Nieuwe Park Rozenburgschool

stichting kinderopvang kralingen

Unique outdoor area

NSO de Speeltuin is located in truly unique places in the Kralingen district. Location Honingerdijk is located in the middle of greenery, here children use the Kralingen Playground, Scouting of Olivier van Noort and the fields of Excelsior. Location Assendelftstraat has a beautiful gym and a large hall. The outside area consists of a schoolyard with a fenced soccer field, table tennis, swings and a lawn.

stichting kinderopvang kralingen

Outdoor (activities)

We work with an open-door policy and offer a variety of workshops for the children. The children can choose in which room they would like to partake in an activity. Participation is completely voluntary! The children are free to choose whether they would like to participate in an activity and are welcome to fill in their afternoon as they see fit. In addition to workshops such as yoga, crafts, dance and drama, we also offer and emphasize the importance of outdoor play and sports.

Point of contact
Monique van de Merwe

Rahiela Chandoe
Assistant locationmanager
Mon/Tue/Thu and Fri

Parent Committee
Opening hours

NSO De Speeltuin is open all year round, with the exception of national holidays.

The location’s standard opening hours during school weeks are:

Package I and II (including and excluding holidays): end of school day until 18:15

Package III and IV (including and excluding holidays), extended care until 18:30

The standard opening hours during holidays:

Package I from 8:15 to 18:15

Package III Extended Care, from 8:00 to 18:30

During study days (studiedagen) at the schools, we have the same opening hours as during holidays:from 8:15 to 18:15.

You can register for extra childcare for these study days by contacting the location manager. Extra days will be invoiced at a later date.

NSO de Speeltuin will be closed on the following days in 2024:

Easter Monday: Monday April 1th 2024
Ascension Day: Thursday May 9th 2024
Whit Monday: Monday May 6th 2024
Policy Day: Friday October 18th 2024

Christmas: wednesday 25th and thursday 26th december 2024

New yearsday: 1th january 2025

Onze tarieven

Het uurtarief voor opvang voor school- en vakantieweken bedraagt in 2022 €8,11.

Klik hier voor een volledig overzicht van prijzen en pakketten voor de hele dagopvang voor 2022.

Via kunt u de kinderopvangtoeslag van de belastingdienst aanvragen, hiervoor dient u ook het LRK nummer van NSO de Speeltuin in te vullen:

NSO de Speeltuin: 221585163
NSO de Speeltuin location Assendelfstraat: 212463056

Hulp nodig?
Heeft u hulp nodig bij het aanvragen van de kinderopvangtoeslag, maakt u dan een afspraak met Natasja Knappert 010 2409424.


Ster ( speeltuin terrein) | 4 – 7 jaar


Pluto (Speeltuin II in KDV Marijke) | 4 – 7 jaar


Maan ( speeltuin terrein) | 4 – 7 jaar


Komeet ( speeltuin terrein) | 7 – 9 jaar
06 -16535690


Raket ( scouting terrein) | 7 – 9 jaar
06 -16141372


Astronaut (scoutingterrein) | 7 – 9 jaar


Grote Beer ( Speeltuin III supportershome Excelsior) | 8 – 12 jaar

stichting kinderopvang kralingen

Are you dropping by for a guided tour?